IDOH’s Office of Minority Health is implementing Together We Will, a grant program investing over $5 million from 2021-2023 in community initiatives that address health inequities for disparate and marginalized populations of color and indigenous people. In order to successfully fund community solutions – community engagement, community outreach, community education, strategic planning, and regionalizing efforts are needed. Our collaborative partners provide the support needed to succeed.
Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) Founded in 2008, the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) is a statewide research partnership among Indiana University, Purdue University and the University of Notre Dame, along with a number of life sciences organizations, governmental entities and community groups. The Indiana CTSI also engages with the public at every level of research—from basic science to patient care. It has been continuously funded by multimillion-dollar grants from the National Institutes of Health since the Indiana CTSI’s founding in 2008 and is housed at the Indiana University School of Medicine.
If grantees are not awarded through their mini grants they will be referred to the Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute which offers two grant pathways for smaller grants, either up to $5,000 or $25,000.
Benefit to grantee: CTSI offers a variety of resources and services that support research efforts including discovery, clinical and community research.
Benefit to applicant: Previous applicants and awardees of CTSI Planning Grants and Trailblazer Awards can continue the work they’re doing with additional funding from Together We Will. Conversely, TWW applicants with little experience in applying for grants may consider applying for small grants offered by CTSI to support community based research efforts.
Benefit to community: CTSI’s work is critical to continuing research for community solutions through its community health partnership arm that supports teams of community and university partners across the state.
Indiana Community Health Workers Association (INCHWA):
Officially founded as a rebrand of the CHW coalition in 2013, INCHWA, “is bringing together those in the community who work daily to encourage the health and well-being of their neighbors. Although they are called by many different job titles and roles, CHWs are always a trusted member of their community – sought after sources of information and assistance by those in need. Often unnoticed, they play a vital role in today’s healthcare system. Their work has been documented and proven effective to break down cultural barriers for clients and health care providers. Their ability to provide education and resource assistance has led to improved health outcomes for patients and cost savings to the healthcare provider. INCHWA is uniting those that recognize the importance of Community Health Workers in today’s health care system and giving them a voice to promote their presence and their value as a community that cares.”
INCHWA utilizes community health workers as key components of the workforce who help to reduce costs, improve care and advance quality of healthcare for members of their communities.
INCHWA’s primary contribution is in their work as:
- Educators and certifiers for new community health workers through their unique CHW curriculum.
- Advocates for the continued use and expansion of Community Health Workers
Benefit to grantee: If you are in need of Community Health Workers, INCHWA may act as a referral source for accessing CHWs that can become staff or training to existing staff interested in obtaining community health workers certification.
Benefit to community: INCHWA’s advocacy work for the use of community health workers across the state improves the overall health and wellbeing of community members while also reducing the financial burden of costly hospital visits for patients, improving care and advancing quality.
Established in 2005 by a gift from the Regenstrief Foundation and located in Purdue University’s Discovery Park District on the West Lafayette campus, the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering (RCHE) conducts research to improve the quality, accessibility, and affordability of healthcare delivery through collaboration, partnerships, and engagement. RCHE’s team is comprised of researchers, staff, and outreach advisors that collaborate with the healthcare community to develop science-based approaches to personalized care, match health resources with community needs, and improve access to care among rural communities in Indiana and around the world.
Mission: Pursue a proactive, patient-centered, and wellness-focused healthcare delivery system by conducting impactful research that leverages collaborative partnerships.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted preventative healthcare, exacerbated chronic illness, and cast a spotlight on how the health of Hoosiers is affected by the conditions in which people live, play, learn and work. Nearly 100 Indiana Healthy Opportunities for People Everywhere partners throughout the state are working together to address health disparities, which are preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health.
I-HOPE will address barriers to care that exist for people living in rural areas, minorities, and people from different cultures and backgrounds. From healthcare associations, coalitions and state agencies to faith-based organizations and universities, I-HOPE partners are collaborating to improve multiple conditions that affect health such as nutrition, affordable housing, transportation, childcare issues, and safe and secure employment.

TechServ is a project management and consulting focused on community development. TechServ provides grant management, marketing agency, program management and business process optimization services.
Benefit to Grantee: TechServ is the state’s contracted vendor to grant manage the IN Together We Will mini-grants and technical assistance program. TechServ will be conducting milestone evaluation and on-going program implementation assistance.
Benefit to Applicant: TechServ is the state’s contracted vendor to administer the application process for the IN Together We Will mini-grants and technical assistance program. TechServ provides support on pre-submission grant scoping.
Benefit to Community: TechServ conducts multiple listening sessions in each community tied to local coordinating councils, drug free partnerships, community mental health centers, and community organizations. Attend a listening session to collaborate and connect with partners to submit to IN Together We Will!