1. Each proposal will be examined first to determine compliance with the format and information requirements specified in the grant opportunity announcement. Proposals that do not comply with the format of the application will not be considered.  Proposals that do not provide responses to each of the required components of the application will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered.  In addition, the following requirements are applicable to all proposals that are submitted:

a. The proposal must be submitted by an eligible type of applicant.
b. The proposal must request funding within the Together We Will Grant Program’s funding constraints.

  1. Proposals that comply with the format and information requirements of the application will be evaluated by a peer review panel, based on the Scoring Criteria outlined below. In addition, the following requirements are applicable and will be evaluated by the peer review panel:

a. The proposal must be responsive to the Scope of Work.
b. The quality of grammar, punctuation, and spelling will be considered.

Criteria Maximum Points % of Score
Current & Past Experience

  • Provides a description of current and/or past initiatives related to the priority health area(s) that will be the focus of the project, including current or past goals, objectives, and outcomes.
  • Provides an explanation of what differentiates the organization from others that provide similar services.
10 10%
Project Description

  • Provides a Project Title.
  • Defines the geographic area of the project within Indiana, including the name of each county and municipality where the project will take place.
  • Describes the population of focus, including demographic information on the population of focus, such as race, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic status.
  • Addresses how this grant funding would fill gaps in the geographic area’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic among racial and ethnic populations that have been disproportionately affected, and how the project will be innovative in meeting the need of the population.
20 20%
Strategies & Objectives

  • Describes promising strategies that utilize practice-based evidence (PBE) and/or the lived experiences of communities of color.
  • Provides clear objectives in support of each strategy.
10 10%

  • Describes the activity or activities of the priority health area(s) that will be implemented.
20 20%
Budget & Budget Narrative

  • Provides a detailed budget, listing requested funding amounts for direct costs.
  • Provides a narrative justification to explain the intent of requested funds.
20 20%
Staffing Plan

  • Lists and describes the staff positions for the project, including the Project Director and other key personnel.
  • If staff is to be hired, an explanation on how this will be accomplished is provided.
10 10%

  • Provides in chronological order a list of when the project’s activities will occur.
10 10%
Total 100 100%
Bonus:  Letters of Support

  • Provides letters of support from other organizations that will be a partner in the project, outlining their responsibilities.  Letters are to be signed and on the letterhead of the partner organizations.
Total with Bonus 105

Proposals receiving a total score of 70 points or more will be recommended for funding.  Proposals receiving a score of less than 70 points will be eligible for technical assistance to improve the proposal, with the goal for it to be re-submitted for consideration.